Sunday, March 15, 2015

About me

Hello, and welcome. Come on in and let me get you some tea or coffee.

I hope this time that we share gives you some time to yourself and maybe helps you feel a little refreshed or inspired as you go off to your day, or if your taking a break.

Some things about me? well... I am a Mut. There is no one thing that clearly defines me. I have no one decorating style. There is something that I can take away (and learn from) from every style or project.

I am a very organised mess, and thorough in everything I do, to me "it's in the details".

I believe wholeheartedly in recycling on all levels, so I love garage sales, flea markets and I LOVE Craigslist. I enjoy finding new beginnings for cast-offs. It takes me forever when I'm thrifting because everything I look at jumps out at me and I see how it could be something else.

I am an entrepreneur, a dreamer and creative soul. I am good at solving problems. I am Matriarchal and feisty in a "Maleficent" kind of way, when needed. I love everyone and am one of those people that have never met a stranger (Mr Angel says I'm "charming").

My girls say that even though I have insanely cold hands I am Mommy warm. My oldest says that I'm dainty in a way that if she "could wrap me in a rabbit fur blanket" she "would hold me like a baby squirrel". Which cracks me up because I am not a small girl. I think she just wants to protect me from myself.

I have the most loving little family and am so thankful for them. My family friends and my faith have helped me persevere in my darkest times. My husband is my Mr. Angel, because of him I have accomplished so much and with him I have the  freedom to explore .

I am a hopeless romantic at the very core of my being. I believe romance is sweetness and treasures along with our popular thoughts on romance. For example, on a roadside stop I got to have a moment with my granddaughter looking for tiny little somethings . My heart gently gasped and a tiny little voice said: "record this moment it is a treasure". To me that is romance.

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